Solar Investment Opportunity – 6GW of Solar Farm Projects Offered for Limited Partnerships
Innovative Solar Systems, LLC has been a world class developer of “Utility Scale Solar Projects” for five years, has developed and SOLD approximately 750MW’s of projects and is now seeking Private Investment Monies due to the fact that the company has rapidly expanded and is now developing 20X the amounts of these Utility Scale Solar Farm Projects in regards to past years.
Accredited Investors will have the opportunity to invest into a pool of projects (Typically 60-80 Projects in a Limited Partnership which total approximately 3GW’s – Projects are 20MW-200MW+). Investing in a large pool of projects greatly reduces investor risk and assures above average net profits from the investment.An Added bonus is that if the investor is invested in one of ISS’s group of early stage projects the investor will also have preferred treatment in buying any or all of the projects once they are “Shovel Ready” at a reduced market price.