Solar panels for 25 schools in Kozikode
As many as 25 government higher secondary schools (GHSS) under the jurisdiction of the district panchayat will soon become self-reliant in energy with the installation of solar power panels. The district panchayat has given approval to install solar power panels at the schools after a feasibility study. The Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) will undertake the solar power scheme project at schools with the financial aid of the district panchayat. Though a set of 60 institutions of the district panchayat were selected for the project, panels will be installed at government higher secondary schools in the first phase.
“Apart from converting the schools as energy-efficient institutions, the plan is to sell excess energy to the KSEB,” said district panchayat president Babu Parassery. The solar energy produced during summer season, when the schools remain closed, can also be sold to the KSEB, he added. Besides, the project will help the schools to bring down electricity bills and effectively divert the amount for other developmental initiatives. The district panchayat has already allocated Rs 2.5 crore for the project. The plan is to complete the installation work at the earliest.
The electricity generated using the solar panels will be stored by the KSEB using on-grid and off-grid system. The electricity, thus stored by the KSEB, will be metered. Later, the amount due from the KSEB to the district panchayat by means of purchasing electricity or bill amount due from the district panchayat to the KSEB will be calculated measuring the total production and total consumption. The use of grid system will help the district panchayat avoid the use of batteries for storing solar energy. This will also reduce the expenditure for the scheme considerably. Though a set of 60 institutions of the district panchayat were selected for the project, panels will be installed at govt HSS in the first phase. The panchayat has already allocated Rs 2.5 crore for the project