SolarEdge Boosts DC Optimized Inverter Business in Japan
SolarEdge Technologies, Inc., a global leader in PV inverters, power optimizers, and module-level monitoring services, announced that it is expanding its business in the Japanese PV market with a growing staff, a new office, training and logistics center, expanded PV portfolio, and new distributors. As a leading global PV inverter company, SolarEdge has been active in the Japanese PV market for a number of years and is focused on expanding its footprint. “With the Japanese solar energy sector considered to be one of the largest and most advanced PV markets in the world, SolarEdge sees vast potential for our solutions in the country,” stated Guy Sella, CEO, Chairman, and Founder of SolarEdge. “By combining our leading global experience, innovative PV solutions, and growing local presence, SolarEdge is strongly positioned for growth in the Japanese market.”
Addressing a broad range of solar market segments, from commercial and small utility-scale solar installations, the SolarEdge solution is comprised of a simplified inverter, power optimizers, and a module-level monitoring platform. The SolarEdge DC optimized inverter solution offers added value and improved lifetime return compared to standard inverters by providing increased energy with module-level optimization, improved design flexibility, cost-saving PV asset management, and superior safety. The embedded SafeDC™ feature that shuts down DC voltage in the PV wires whenever AC power is off and the ability to design longer strings (≤15kWp for SE33.3K-JP, ≤12.5kWp for SE25K-JP), parallel strings of unequal lengths, and multiple panel orientations, capacities and layouts in a single string can be highly beneficial to the Japanese market.
The SE25K is approved for 200% oversizing to support maximizing module loading even on odd shaped or sloping land. With more than 4.2GW of solutions shipped, SolarEdge systems have been installed in 100 countries, supporting a variety of grid configurations and requirements. At PV Expo, SolarEdge will showcase its low-voltage inverter solutions and high-voltage inverter solution for commercial projects. Ken Nagasawa, SolarEdge’s Technical Marketing Assistant Director, will lead a seminar during PV Expo on SolarEdge DC optimized inverter solution and its advantages on March 1st and 2nd, 13:40-14:40 at Tokyo BigSite Seminar Hall A. SolarEdge will also provide Seminar on March 3rd, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM, at Hotel Sunroute Ariake. SolarEdge invites PV Expo visitors to stop by the SolarEdge booth, located at E23-10, PV System Zone, to learn more about the expanded product line. For a Japanese transcript of this press release, visit solaredge.com/ja/SolarEdge-Boosts-DC-Optimized-Inverter-Business-in-Japan.