Statkraft AS – Successful placement of new green bonds
Reference is made to the announcement on 30 May 2022.
Statkraft has today successfully issued senior unsecured green bonds with a total amount of NOK 5.5 billion.
The transaction was split into three tranches:
– NOK 1.5 billion 5Y Green Bond issue with a floating rate coupon of 3 months Nibor +0.90% p.a.
– NOK 1.0 billion 5Y Green Bond issue with a fixed coupon of 3.625% p.a.
– NOK 3.0 billion 10Y Green Bond issue with a fixed coupon of 3.93% p.a.
The transaction was substantially oversubscribed.
The proceeds of the bond issues will be allocated to eligible projects in accordance with the Statkraft’s Green Finance Framework.
Danske Bank, DNB Markets, Handelsbanken Capital Markets and SEB acted as Joint Bookrunners for the issuance. SEB has acted as Sole Structuring Advisor for Statkraft’s Green Finance Framework.