Strengthening the bond with the renewable energy industry: MBA Renewables launches international Advisory Board
The distance learning Master of Business Administration (MBA) Renewables jointly offered by the Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin and the Renewables Academy AG (RENAC) proudly announces the launching of its international Advisory Board. MBA Renewables is designed to equip professionals with the advanced interdisciplinary management skills for executive positions in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors. Through the new Advisory Board, MBA Renewables is building a platform of exchange which will bring its graduates a step closer to the green industries.
MBA Renewables’s Advisory Board consists of 9 professionals active at different levels of the renewable energy value chain worldwide. Representatives from the renewable energy industry, engineering and consulting companies, research institutions, and international development organisations will have access to exceptionally well-qualified graduates. “To me, it was clear that renewable energy would be a key part of the future energy mix” commented Stefan Chun, General Manager at CUBE Engineering GmbH. “Well trained staff is the key to further development. Therefore, I am honored to be part of the MBA Renewables Advisory Board”.
Students, on the other hand, will benefit from the experience of well-established professionals with deep knowledge of the green markets. The Advisory Board will contribute to the practical relevance of MBA Renewables by suggesting topics for the Master’s Thesis or participating in online guest lecturers, defining skills for job requirements and, ultimately, by providing input to the strategic orientation of the programme. According to Marcus Doerfler, Territory Manager GIS for Mediterranean Region at ABB, “renewable energy is changing the role of our grids and electrical components, giving important impulses to technology, politics and economies. It is my strong intention to contribute to an intelligent and economically feasible transition”.