Successful Tender For Supply Regulated Customers Will Allow Light To Lower The Account Of Household And Smes From The Year 2021
Process awarded average price of 47.6 US $ / MWh, and entry of new players. In an unprecedented way, in the Mapocho Cultural Center, the Government made the Public Allocation Act of Electricity Supply Tender 2015/01, which offered 12,430 GWh / year of energy and supply the electricity needs of customers of regulated Interconnected systems SIC and SING for 20 years from 2021.Activity led the Minister of Energy, Maximo Pacheco; the Executive Secretary of the National Energy Commission, Andres Romero, and Executive Director of the Association of Electric Companies A.G., Rodrigo Castillo.
The program of this “National and International Public Bid for Power Supply and Power consumptions to supply customers subject to price regulation (Supply Tender 2015/01)” began in May 2015 with the Invitation for Bids. Then, on July 27 last, 84 companies presented their economic and administrative bids in this auction that saw five blocks Supply, equivalent to about one third of current consumption of regulated customers Interconnected Systems SIC and SING.
Supply Block No. 1, in force since January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2040, by 3,080 GWh of energy to tender.Supply block No. 2-A, in force since January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2040, 680 GWh of energy to tender and will be designed to supply only the consumption of between 00:00 and 07 : 59 hours and between 23:00 and 23:59 hours.Supply block No. 2-B, in force since January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2040, by 1,000 GWh of energy to tender and will be designed to supply only the consumption of between 08:00 and 17 59 hours.Supply block No. 2-C, in force since January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2040, 520 GWh of energy to tender and will be designed to supply only the consumption of between 18:00 and 22 59 hours.
Supply block No. 3, in force since January 1, 2022 until December 31, 2041, by 7,150 GWh of energy to tender.According to the schedule defined in the Bidding Bases, Tuesday August 9, unveiled the Reserve Price (94 US $ / MWh) and the reserve margin (2.5%) of each block supply bid set by the National Energy Commission.In this tender -in which 84 companies participated oferentes- was awarded at an average price of 47.6 US $ / MWh, incorporating new players into the electricity market, most of which comes from NCRE with wind and solar technologies.The Minister of Energy, Maximo Pacheco, said that “this is a victory for Chile. We can finish with the apathy that we dragged and this we got by designing public policies consistent and were worked openly with the public and with our Parliament. Public policies of the Government of President Bachelet Energy, as the Law on Broadcasting, the Law on Bidding or the law that expanded the trade turnover of ENAP, are the manifestation of this new role of the state, aimed at coordinating the effort private and create competition. “
For its part, the Executive Secretary of the National Energy Commission, Andres Romero, adding that “we culminating successfully the largest power tender held in the country, which has called for a level of competition never seen before, which mark trends future and produce a paradigm shift in the Chilean electricity market, resulting in lower prices all the benefit of our families and small and medium enterprises in Chile. This tender marks a before and after in energy policy in Chile. Here we have not only obtained lower prices, but stable for families for 20 years prices. Today we have taken a definitive boost to the electricity market with more players, better prices, more investment, more competition and concern for better service and a more secure, reliable and efficient electricity system “.
Rodrigo Castillo, Executive Director of the Association of Electric Companies A.G. He said the result, “both in terms of coverage, ie the amount of energy that has managed to be awarded 100%, as obviously the price achieved is a source of enormous pride for our industry. It means a lot also for families and small businesses, which are much of our customers who benficiados will be a cost reduction in their electric bills from 2021. We also highlight the successful public-private work we have been developing for several years now with the Ministry of Energy, the National Energy Commission and the Foreign Investment Committee. We believe that this set of good public policy, but well thought bounded modifications, has been part of the tremendous success we can show today