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German solar auction awards 1.67 GW amid unprecedented interest – EQ Mag

Germany has allocated 1,673 MW of solar capacity in the latest tender round which witnessed a remarkable surge of interest, with projects vying for subsidies totaling 4,653 MW. The Federal Network Agency said on Thursday it has selected 124 projects for ground-mounted solar parks and solar plants on structural systems that are neither buildings nor […]

UPNEDA Issue Tender for Supply of 3.20 GW grid connected solar power plants for solarization of segregated agriculture feeders of distribution sub-stations in the state of Uttar Pradesh through RESCO mode – EQ

China approves 1.67 GW of new subsidised rural solar power

The National Energy Administration said in a notice that the projects, the second batch of a “photovoltaic poverty relief” programme, should be completed by the end of this year SHANGHAI: China has approved the construction of 3,961 village solar power plants with a total capacity of 1.67 gigawatts (GW), part of a programme aimed at alleviating rural poverty and […]

Results: RfS for 1350 MW ISTS-connected Wind Power Projects in India (SECI-Tranche-XVI) – EQ