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Saint-Gobain India and Cleantech Solar join hands to commission an 18.7 MW solar PV system in Tamil Nadu – EQ Mag Pro

Chennai : Saint-Gobain India and Cleantech Solar, have partnered to commission an 18.7 MW solar PV system at Cleantech’s solar park in Tamil Nadu. Supporting Saint-Gobain Group’s commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, this solar PV system is expected to generate approximately 28 MU/annum of clean energy during the lifetime of the project, avoiding […]

Juniper Green Expands Renewable Footprint With Two PPAs In Gujarat & Rajasthan – EQ

Philadelphia Solar completes 18.7-MW solar project in Jordan

Philadelphia Solar, Amman, Jordan-based solar energy equipment maker and developer has completed the third and final phase of an 18.7-MW solar project in its native country. The project was sponsored by Jordan’s Social Security Investment Fund (SSIF) and cost JOD 17m (USD 24m/EUR 20m) to implement. SSIF will recover the investment cost within three years, […]

Construction of 5 solar parks underway across Iran -EQ