RfS for assured Peak supply of 8000 MWh (2000 MW x 4 Hrs.) from ISTS-Connected RE Projects in India under Tariff-Based Competitive Bidding (SECI-FDRE-VI) has been issued under the Standard Bidding Guidelines. The detailed RfS document has been uploaded to https://www.bharat-electronictender.com (Only viewed on Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.x or above browser) and under the “Tenders” […]
RUVNL Issue Tender for Supply of thermal power up to capacity of 3.2 GW and solar power up to capacity of 8 GW through Tariff based Competitive Bidding Process For more information please see below link:
REC Issue Tender for Inter-State Transmission System For Transmission System For Evacuation Of Power From Potential Renewable Energy Zone In Khavda Area Of Gujarat Under Phase-V (8 GW): Part A For more information please see below link:
Secures LOI for Rajasthan REZ Ph-IV (Part-1) (Bikaner Complex): Part-B Transmission Project New Delhi : Sterlite Power, a leading private sector power transmission developer, has secured the order for Rajasthan REZ Ph-IV (Part-1-Bikaner Complex): Part-B Transmission project. With this order win, Sterlite Power has secured its third Green Energy Corridor (GEC) project in the state […]
The Indian government plans to auction 8 GW of wind power capacity each year through end-2030 in a bid to spur the domestic industry’s growth and help the country in achieving its renewable energy goals. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) last week issued an order that revises the electronic reverse bidding mechanism […]
NEW DELHI : India will annually invite bids for 8 gigawatt projects each year to the end of 2030 under a new auction process, a government order said. The bidding model has been modified from electronic reverse bidding where the participants reduce their offer price to bag the contracts based on the lowest bid. The […]
Western companies are piling into India’s green H2 market via joint ventures with homegrown energy firms, says analyst Rystad Energy India is emerging as one of the world’s most important electrolyser manufacturing centres, with 8GW of factories due to come on line by 2025, according to analysis from Norwegian research house Rystad Energy. The 8GW […]
Haitai Solar of China has completed its IPO process and now listed on the Beijing Stock Exchange It will use proceeds to support its plans for 2 GW HJT modules mass production and 1 GW module projects The Chinese company will also be investing in expanding its R&D efforts with the expansion of research center […]
Jinko’s winning streak doesn’t seem to stop as the company announced another massive achievement in India. JinkoSolar has become the first and only global player to ship 8GW of solar panels to India. Talking about this, Dany Qian, VP – JinkoSolar said, “Jinko’s journey in India has been an exemplary one and we have proved […]