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ADB’s Private Sector Operations Double Climate Financing as Transactions Hit New High – EQ

In Short : The Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) private sector operations have doubled climate financing, achieving a new high in transactions. This increase underscores ADB’s commitment to addressing climate change by mobilizing private sector investments in sustainable and climate-resilient projects. In Detail : MANILA, PHILIPPINES : The Asian Development Bank (ADB) doubled to $1 billion […]

SECI Solar + ESS 1200 MW with 600 MW/1200 MWh – EQ

ADB’s capital management reforms have unleashed $100 billion in new funding over the next decade, bolstering support for development projects across Asia and the Pacific region – EQ

In Short : ADB’s capital management reforms are set to unlock $100 billion in new funding over the next decade, bolstering support for development initiatives across Asia and the Pacific. This substantial funding signifies ADB’s commitment to promoting economic growth, sustainability, and infrastructure development in the region. The increased financial resources will enable ADB to […]

SECI Solar + ESS 1200 MW with 600 MW/1200 MWh – EQ

Update on ADB’s Energy Transition Mechanism – April 2023 – EQ Mag

Significant progress is continuing with ADB’s ETM pilot countries: Indonesia, the Philippines, Viet Nam, and now Pakistan and Kazakhstan. ADB is working extensively with stakeholders in each of the countries on their pre- and full-feasibility studies, including on safeguards and ensuring a just transition. The studies hope to ultimately identify coal and other fossil fuel […]

SECI Solar + ESS 1200 MW with 600 MW/1200 MWh – EQ

Coal-dependent Mongolia’s first solar-plus-storage project will use NGK’s sodium-sulfur batteries

NGK Insulators responded to a request for more info from Energy-Storage.news and confirmed that the NAS battery storage system will be sited at the 5MW Uliastai solar PV project which is included in the ADB’s Upscaling Renewable Energy Sector project for Mongolia. According to an October 2020 Procurement Plan published by the development bank, the […]

Hydrogen subsidies | Australian solar-to-methanol project secures €24m grant — with half coming from Germany -EQ