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Soon, a green end to power blackouts

At the turn of the last year, Union power minister R K Singh announced that from April 1 2019, India would not face any blackouts, except in a couple of sectors like agriculture where electricity is not required 24×7. The minister made the statement in the context of state distribution companies, or discoms, often resorting […]

India, Germany to deepen cooperation in emerging technologies, digital platforms – EQ

Israel to Develop 6GW of Solar Capacity Over the Next Decade

Before the market can boom, the dry, sunny country needs to update its transmission grid and streamline the contracting process. It took years to develop, but Israel’s young solar market is poised to accelerate if some needed grid upgrades come through. After considerable pushing by a band of scrappy homegrown developers, solar power now delivers […]

Construction of 5 solar parks underway across Iran -EQ