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Andhra Pradesh Floats Tender for 6.4 GW of Solar Power Projects At 10 locations

  Product Detail : Selection of solar power developers (SPDs) for development of different capacities of grid connected ultra mega solar photo voltaic power projects at 10 locations for an aggregate total capacity of 6400 MW at various districts. Andhra Pradesh has invited bids to develop 6400 MW of solar power projects across ten different […]

MES issue Tender for Provn of Work Services for Solar Power Plant at AF Stn Adampur – EQ

We plan to raise solar park capacity to 4,000 Mw by 2020: MD, Andhra Pradesh Solar

We have so far commissioned around 2,050 Megawatt (Mw) capacity under our solar park scheme and we further aim to expand it to 4,000 Mw by the end of 2020. Andhra Pradesh has so far commissioned around 2,050 Megawatt (Mw) capacity under its solar park scheme and the government further aims to expand it to 4,000 […]

UK Energy Minister Ed Miliband in Beijing to press China on emissions – EQ