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Petition Has Been Filed By Tata Power Renewable Energy challenges the legality and validity of Order passed by MERC – EQ Mag Pro

Petition Has Been Filed By Tata Power Renewable Energy challenges the legality and validity of Order passed by MERC thereby claimed as a change in law event under the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) executed between the appellant (TPREL) and MERC. For more information please see below link:

Petition for procurement of power from solar projects above 0.5 MW up to 4.0 MW and Wind projects above 0.5 MW to less than 10 MW – EQ

APTEL Directs to justify curtailment of power from all generators, both RE and Non-RE – EQ Mag Pro

APTEL Directs to justify curtailment of power from all generators, both RE and Non-RE, the actual generation and injection of energy” has to be analysed. For more information please see below link:

Petition for procurement of power from solar projects above 0.5 MW up to 4.0 MW and Wind projects above 0.5 MW to less than 10 MW – EQ

The Appeal is Allowed And the Impugned Order is Set Aside And Sirwar Renewable Energy is Entitled For Rs.8.40 Per Unit in Terms of PPA – EQ Mag Pro

The Appeal is Allowed And the Impugned Order is Set Aside And Sirwar Renewable Energy is Entitled for Rs.8.40 Per Unit in Terms of PPA – EQ Mag Pro. For more information please see below link:

Petition for procurement of power from solar projects above 0.5 MW up to 4.0 MW and Wind projects above 0.5 MW to less than 10 MW – EQ