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EV Charging Is a Mess. This 4-Pound Box Could Help Fix It – EQ Mag

Atom Power says its smart circuit breaker will make charging electric cars as cheap and easy as using Wifi. For all its progressive politics, New York City is largely an EV charging desert. Home to about 2 million registered vehicles, the city has just 1,000 Level 2 public charging plugs — the slower stations that […]

Maharashtra has highest number of public EV charging stations, followed by Delhi

Multi-unit dwellings could avoid EV-charging sticker shock with peak-demand systems – EQ Mag Pro

North Carolina-based Atom Power is launching a new EV charging station that could make managing electricity costs easier at apartments and condos. The Atom Power Purpl charges directly from a circuit breaker, so no electronics are contained in the unit itself, the company explained last month in a press release. That also enables an energy […]

Maharashtra has highest number of public EV charging stations, followed by Delhi