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Axfood, Alight sign power purchase deal for Sweden’s biggest solar park – EQ Mag

Swedish independent power producer Alight Energy has announced plans to build a 64MW solar farm in Hallstavik, Sweden, which will be the solar facility with the largest capacity in the country upon its completion. The project, which will be built in the municipality of Norrtälje in south-east Sweden, is also notable for its means of […]

NTPC and CEB Collaborate on 50 MW Solar Power Project in Sri Lanka – EQ

Axfood to build Sweden’s largest rooftop solar power facility – EQ Mag Pro

Axfood continues to invest heavily in renewable energy. In addition to the Group’s entire fleet of approximately 270 trucks now running on fossil-free fuel, the process of building Sweden’s largest solar park was initiated last year. Now, an agreement has also been signed to build the country’s largest rooftop solar power facility by equipping Dagab’s […]

Hydrogen storages important foundation for solar PV expansion in Europe – German govt scenarios -EQ