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Karnataka issues RFP for Engagement of a Consultancy Firm for study of Technical and Commercial parameters

  Request for Proposal for Engagement of a Consultancy Firm for study of Technical and Commercial parameters for Implementation of 10,000 MW Decentralized Solar Power Plants in Karnataka The last date to submit the bids is January 22, 2021 For more information please see below link:

IPPL issue Tender for Project Management Consultancy for 3 MW Windmill Project in Tamil Nadu – EQ

KERC: Amount Due to reimburse by appropriate increase in tariff per unit taking into consideration the minimum contracted energy in PPA

ORDER a) The petitions are partly allowed. b) The petitioner and the respondent in each of the cases shall verify the amount payable to the Petitioner in the respective cases after examining the documents and other directions given in para 48 & 54 above. This process shall be completed within a period of two months […]

In the matter of the CERC (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for grant of trading licence and other related matters) Regulations, 2020 for the grant of a trading licence – EQ

Karnataka Seeks Consultancy for Implementation of 1060 MW Solar Rooftop PV systems

Karnataka Seeks Consultancy for Implementation of 1060 MW Solar Rooftop PV systems Engagement of a Consultancy Firm for Demand Aggregation and for Implementation of 1060 MW Grid Connected Solar Rooftop PV systems The last date to submit the bids is January 01, 2021 For more information please see below link:

IPPL issue Tender for Project Management Consultancy for 3 MW Windmill Project in Tamil Nadu – EQ

Karnataka Floats Tender For Aggregate 30 MW Solar RTPV Grid Connected Power Plants 

Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Agencies for Design, Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Solar RTPV Grid connected power plants aggregating 30MW on the Roof-tops of Residential buildings & Group Housing Societies (GHS)/Residential Welfare Associations (RWA) in the jurisdiction of BESCOM under Net Metering scheme including Annual Maintenance Contract for a period of Five years- […]

IPPL issue Tender for Project Management Consultancy for 3 MW Windmill Project in Tamil Nadu – EQ