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Tonga Power Ltd signs purchase agreement with Sunergise to built solar plant

ADB is supporting this transition to a cleaner and more sustainable energy mix through a $12.2 million grant to the Tonga Renewable Energy Project. The largest solar plant in the south Pacific will be built in Tonga through the country’s second commercially financed public-private partnership (PPP) after an agreement was signed in Nuku’alofa today. Tonga […]

Citigroup expects India to attract $100 billion in foreign Investments – EQ

Spanish climate plan mandates 6GW-by-2030 boost for energy storage

Upcoming snap elections in Spain will decide whether newly-proposed measures including a nation-wide 6GW boost to energy storage become a reality. Draft climate change legislation green-lighted by Spanish ministers last Friday mandates a 3.5GW increase in pumped storage capacity by 2030. This, according to the legislative package tabled by Pedro Sánchez’s socialist government, would be […]

Battery Energy Storage Systems: A Clean Energy Solution NY Needs -EQ

Storage, smart energy touted as post-Brexit stability drivers

A domestic energy storage and smart-energy agenda could help the UK offset volatile energy prices if interconnections suffer under a no-deal scenario, experts have said. “Any potential uncertainty around interconnectors will increase the UK’s need to move, regardless of Brexit, to a smart energy system and energy storage,” Tanisha Beebee, senior policy advisor at the […]

Battery Energy Storage Systems: A Clean Energy Solution NY Needs -EQ