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Bill Gates-backed solar upstart cancels US factory in reshoring gut check – EQ

In Short : A solar startup backed by Bill Gates has reportedly canceled plans for a solar panel factory in the United States. This decision suggests a reassessment of the feasibility and strategy for reshoring solar manufacturing, potentially influenced by various factors, including market dynamics and global supply chain considerations. In Detail : CubicPV Inc., […]

Harnessing the Power of Algorithms in Solar Photovoltaic Technology: Unveiling the Secrets of PV Parameters – EQ

Bill Gates: We will overshoot 1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming, nuclear can be ‘super safe’ and fake meat will eventually be ‘very good’ – EQ Mag

The world will not be able to avoid overshooting the goal established in the 2015 Paris Climate Accord to limit global warming to, ideally, 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-Industrial levels, Bill Gates told Reddit users on Wednesday. While it’s “great” if people want to be vegan, Gates doesn’t think most people will do that […]

Central America’s Solar Revolution and the Rooftop Revolution in the U.S. -EQ

Bill Gates upbeat even if 1.5C climate goal out of reach – EQ Mag

Gates has invested more than $2 billion toward climate technologies, including direct air capture, solar energy and nuclear fission. Gates reflected on 2022 and described what he’s most excited about in the year ahead He transferred $20 billion of his funds to the Gates Foundation’s endowment He also praised Warren Buffett for his contribution When […]

Central America’s Solar Revolution and the Rooftop Revolution in the U.S. -EQ

Bill Gates: Our grandchildren will pay if we don’t fix climate change – EQ Mag

Bill Gates funds climate adaptation through his namesake philanthropic venture, the Gates Foundation, and he invests in climate tech companies through his investment firm, Breakthrough Energy Ventures. “Getting to zero will be the hardest thing humans have ever done,” Gates writes in his year-end letter published Tuesday. “We need to revolutionize the entire physical economy—how […]

Central America’s Solar Revolution and the Rooftop Revolution in the U.S. -EQ

Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates funding massive treasure hunt in Greenland – EQ Mag Pro

Some of the world’s richest men, including Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, are funding a massive treasure hunt, complete with helicopters and transmitters, on the west coast of Greenland. The climate crisis is melting Greenland down at an unprecedented rate, which — in a twist of irony — is creating an opportunity for investors and […]

Juniper Green Expands Renewable Footprint With Two PPAs In Gujarat & Rajasthan – EQ

Bill Gates leads $US44m funding round to automate and accelerate solar PV construction – EQ Mag Pro

Bill Gates’ multi billion dollar clean energy fund Breakthrough Energy Ventures has led a $US44 million ($A63 million) Series B funding round to automate the development, construction, and operation of large scale solar plants. The recipient of the funding – solar technology company Terabase Energy – has built the first fully digital platform which it […]

Juniper Green Expands Renewable Footprint With Two PPAs In Gujarat & Rajasthan – EQ

Bill Gates climate fund plans to mobilize $15 billion into clean tech – EQ Mag Pro

Breakthrough Energy Catalyst, a fund that sits within the wider Breakthrough Energy Group that was founded by Gates in 2015, has raised over $1.5 billion from businesses and charitable organizations so far. But Jonah Goldman, Breakthrough Energy managing director, told the FT that the fund ultimately plans to mobilize 10 times that amount. On its […]

Climate change is wreaking havoc in India. It needs clarity and action now

Gates raises $1 billion as Satya Nadella, others join race to scale clean tech – EQ Mag Pro

BlackRock is making a five-year, $100 million grant from its charitable foundation. Microsoft also is donating $100 million Bill Gates raised more than $1 billion in corporate funding for Breakthrough Energy Catalyst, drawing on BlackRock Inc.’s Larry Fink and Microsoft Corp.’s Satya Nadella to rally support for some of the world’s most demanding clean-energy projects. […]

Juniper Green Expands Renewable Footprint With Two PPAs In Gujarat & Rajasthan – EQ

Bill Gates Pledges $1.5 Billion For Climate Change Projects If Congress Passes Infrastructure Bill – EQ Mag Pro

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates on Thursday said his climate investment fund would pledge $1.5 billion for projects to combat climate change if Congress passes the infrastructure plan. The Senate’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, which hasn’t yet passed through the House, provides the Department of Energy with $25 billion for climate-focused demonstration projects. Gates’ fund, run […]

Central America’s Solar Revolution and the Rooftop Revolution in the U.S. -EQ

Reliance, Bill Gates, Others Invest $144 Mn in US-Based Energy Storage Firm Ambri

Massachusetts-based Ambri is commercialising a new, long-duration battery technology that will enable widespread use of renewable energy sources, reduce electricity costs, and enable power systems to operate more reliably and efficiently. Reliance Industries’ wholly-owned subsidiary Reliance New Energy Solar Ltd (RNESL), along with strategic investors Paulson & Co, Bill Gates, and others have invested $144 […]

Battery Energy Storage Systems: A Clean Energy Solution NY Needs -EQ