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German’s Blue Elephant renewables firm preparing for IPO

Blue Elephant has 1.1. Gigawatts solar and wind parks all over Europe. Recently, Blue Elephant Energy AG signed a 500MW deal of solar portfolio. Now, the company is getting ready for IPO listing as the fundings have gone low compared to the demand. Their stock market floatation is expected to be around $1 .2 billion […]

Senvion in India crosses 1 GW commissioned WTGs milestone – EQ

German renewables firm Blue Elephant plans summer IPO – sources

Blue Elephant, whose peers include Energiekontor and PNE AG, said it was constantly reviewing various options for financing further growth, but declined to elaborate. FRANKFURT: German renewable energy firm Blue Elephant Energy is preparing a stock market flotation in the European summer that could value it at up to 1 billion euros ($1.2 billion), three […]

Hydrogen storages important foundation for solar PV expansion in Europe – German govt scenarios -EQ