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WoodMac: Energy Sector Faces ‘Darwinian Challenge’ to Tame Climate Change

The world is on course for 2.8 to 3 degrees Celsius of warming as existing infrastructure weighs heavy and COVID-19 slows progress. The world is on course to sail past the recognized “safe” level of 2 degrees Celsius of warming to as much as 3 degrees Celsius, according to the latest Wood Mackenzie Energy Transition […]

Britain’s energy minister visits China to discuss climate and energy cooperation – EQ

WoodMac: Biden Loss Would End Hopes of US Decarbonization by 2050

The stakes are every bit as high as the energy industry and climate change activists say they are. The upcoming U.S. presidential election will dictate the pace of decarbonization in the world’s largest economy for decades, according to new research from Wood Mackenzie. Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s $2 trillion climate plan, including a pledge to […]

Central America’s Solar Revolution and the Rooftop Revolution in the U.S. -EQ

Shell’s Carbon Offset Business Makes Its First Acquisition

  Shell will acquire Australia’s Select Carbon, a “carbon farming” specialist, as the oil giant begins shaping a crucial pillar of its net-zero plans. Shell’s new Nature-Based Solutions business has made its first acquisition, with the Anglo-Dutch oil major announcing Monday that it will buy Australia’s Select Carbon. Shell has a net-zero ambition for 2050 […]

Britain’s energy minister visits China to discuss climate and energy cooperation – EQ

The Best Option for Airlines to Shrink Their Carbon Footprint

Airlines are uniquely limited in their climate pollution mitigation options. But there is a good way forward, the authors write. The airline industry has committed to curbing emissions growth to zero by the end of 2020. That’s no small task. Emissions from the sector are rising rapidly. The International Civil Aviation Organization anticipates that in […]

Role of prosumers in renewable energy adoption in India – EQ