Petition of the Power Purchase Agreement for the development of 300 MW (reduced to 150 MW) ISTS connected Solar power project of Change in Law events For more information please see below link:
Petition of the Electricity Act on account of Force Majeure and Change in Law events under the Power Purchase Agreements For more information please see below link:
Petition of the Electricity Act on account of events pertaining to Change in Law events of the Power Purchase Agreement For more information please see below link:
Petition of the Transmission Service Agreement seeking extension of SCOD due to various events of the Force Majeure and Change in Law events For more information please see below link:
Petition seeking an appropriate mechanism for grant of adjustment/compensation to offset the financial/commercial impact of change in law events For more information please see below link:
Petition for seeking an appropriate adjustment/ compensation to offset financial/ commercial impact of change in law events on account of increase in the rate of goods and services tax from 5% to 12% For more information please see below link:
Petition for seeking for in-principle approval qua occurrence of Change in Law events in terms of the PPA executed by the Petitioner with Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI) For more information please see below link:
Petition for seeking compensation on account of occurrence of ‘Change in Law events’ relating to Power Purchase Agreements Between APNRL & TANGEDCO For more information please see below link:
Petition for approval of Change in Law events and compensation on account of increase in cost of power generation by MB Power (Madhya Pradesh) Limited. For more information please see below link: