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Power procurement by Distribution Licensee from Bagasse based Co-generation plants

In the matter of: Power procurement by Distribution Licensee from Bagasse based Co-generation plants and allied issues relating to captive use and third party sale For more information please see below link:

Petition of the CERC (Connectivity and General Network Access to the inter-State Transmission System) Regulations by Central Transmission Utility of India Limited of 200 MW connectivity – EQ

TANGEDCO Passed an order to Clear Dues of Six Wind Generators

  TANGEDCO Passed an order to Clear Dues of Six Wind Generators For more information please see below link: Madras HardtoolsPvt. Ltd. NatesanSynchrocones P. Ltd. Spike Power Protection Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Ltd. Anu Cashews VVD and Sons Pvt. Ltd.  

Petition of the CERC (Connectivity and General Network Access to the inter-State Transmission System) Regulations by Central Transmission Utility of India Limited of 200 MW connectivity – EQ

Punjab: Industry accuses PSPCL of retracting from fixed charges waiver promise

Chandigarh: Punjab’s industry bodies FICO and AITF on Sunday accused the power utility PSPCL of retracting from its promise of waiving fixed electricity charges during the lockdown period Chandigarh: Punjab’s industry bodies FICO and AITF on Sunday accused the power utility PSPCL of retracting from its promise of waiving fixed electricity charges during the lockdown […]

Andhra Pradesh to Develop Two Large-Scale Solar Plants in Prakasam District to Boost Renewable Energy Capacity – EQ