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Climate action on CO2 emissions alone won’t prevent extreme warming: study – EQ Mag Pro

To control climate change, the world must go beyond cutting carbon dioxide emissions and curb lesser-known pollutants such as nitrous oxide playing a key role in warming the planet, new research suggests. Decades of global climate discussions have focused on CO2 emissions, which are most abundant in the atmosphere. The common goal of reaching “net-zero” […]

Climate change is wreaking havoc in India. It needs clarity and action now

How can businesses achieve a future of Net-Zero emissions – EQ Mag Pro

Author : Mr.Manish Dabkara CMD & CEO of EKI Energy Services Ltd  Climate has been witnessing one of the most dramatic changes of all times with rising ocean levels, melting glaciers, increased CO2 levels, declining wildlife and aquatic life with many species of plants and animals even becoming extinct. This alarming impact is a result […]

Solis Ranks in 2024 Global Top 500 New Energy Enterprises for Fourth Consecutive Year, Surpasses 100 GW in Shipments – EQ

How Prepared Are India’s State Budgets For Climate Action – EQ Mag Pro

Indian states have started integrating climate-related action in their annual budgets as the country looks to transition to a low-carbon economy. The Union Budget 2022-23 speech by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in February acknowledged the need for climate action and highlighted it as one of the pillars for future development. It, however, was lacking in […]

Climate change is wreaking havoc in India. It needs clarity and action now

Climate Action Series: Warming Up to Climate Action – Incentives and Finance – EQ Mag Pro

In this article we get into the mechanisms and challenges of financing the energy transition. This series is a joint editorial initiative of ETEnergyworld and CSTEP. In the first two articles of the series, we discussed sectoral strategies for climate action. They can be accessed here and here. In this article we get into the […]

Climate change is wreaking havoc in India. It needs clarity and action now

Fossil fuel industry can’t rely on carbon capture and bioenergy to save its assets – EQ Mag Pro

Fossil fuel power sources producing the equivalent of ten times the global electricity production in 2018 (267 PWh) will become unusable if global heating is to be kept below 2 °C, even if carbon-abatement technologies such as carbon capture and storage, bioenergy, and coal-to-gas conversions are deployed at scale, new research has revealed. At COP26, […]

Solis Ranks in 2024 Global Top 500 New Energy Enterprises for Fourth Consecutive Year, Surpasses 100 GW in Shipments – EQ

Environment Minister Yadav speaks with US Climate Envoy on phone – EQ Mag Pro

New Delhi : India’s Environment, Forest, and Climate Change Minister Bhupender Yadav on Monday had a telephonic call with US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry where the two of them discussed wide range of issues including India’s ambitious climate action targets announced during the COP26. Taking to Twitter after he spoke with Kerry […]

Climate change is wreaking havoc in India. It needs clarity and action now

Climate Action Isn’t Reaching the Most Vulnerable — But it Could – EQ Mag Pro

Low-income and otherwise disadvantaged people could benefit enormously from climate action — enjoying everything from cheaper clean energy to healthier lives. Yet these groups face the greatest barriers to access these benefits. This is according to a new WRI working paper that reviews the impacts of priority climate measures in six sectors: industry, energy, transport, […]

Climate change is wreaking havoc in India. It needs clarity and action now

LONGi issues its first White Paper on Climate Action at COP26 summit – EQ Mag Pro

LONGi founder and president Li Zhenguo has participated in a special company activity at COP26 in Glasgow via online video, outlining LONGi’s “Commitment and Action to Address Climate Change” and releasing the company’s first White Paper on Climate Action at the China Corporate Pavilion. In 2020, LONGi joined the RE100, EV100 and EP100 in succession, […]

Solis Ranks in 2024 Global Top 500 New Energy Enterprises for Fourth Consecutive Year, Surpasses 100 GW in Shipments – EQ

COP26: New partnerships and initiatives to support climate action worldwide – EQ Mag Pro

EIB will triple climate adaptation finance with new Adaptation Plan EIB Group engages with clients to help them align to the goals of the Paris Agreement EIB joins global partners to support more ambitious climate action The European Investment Bank (EIB) Group will participate in the United Nations Climate Change conference COP26 in Glasgow from […]

Hydrogen storages important foundation for solar PV expansion in Europe – German govt scenarios -EQ

India-US partnership underscores joint commitment to taking decisive climate action: Kerry – EQ Mag Pro

During his recent trip to India last month, US Special Presidential Envoy on Climate Change John Kerry said that he along with his Indian counterpart Bhupendra Yadav launched the climate action and finance mobilisation dialogue. Washington : The ambitious India-US partnership in the area of climate change underscores the joint commitment of the two countries […]

Climate change is wreaking havoc in India. It needs clarity and action now