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The Big Weird Batteries That May Help Avert Climate Catastrophe – EQ Mag Pro

As the planet gets hotter, engineers are racing to find ways to store renewable energy on a massive scale—before it’s too late. Burning fossil fuels churned out by Big Oil can power the world 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, sending electricity almost anywhere near-instantaneously. Unfortunately, this very effective (and profitable) source of […]

EVE Begins Construction on Its Battery Production Plant in Hungary – EQ Mag

‘Now or never’ to avoid climate catastrophe, warns UN Panel – EQ Mag Pro

UN panel warns that policies are leading the planet to extreme temperature rises, and calls for an urgent halt to rising emissions. Humanity has less than three years to halt the rise of planet-warming carbon emissions and less than a decade to slash them almost in half, according to a United Nations landmark report on […]

Climate change is wreaking havoc in India. It needs clarity and action now