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Spain: COP 25 – Climate change – The EIB finances one of the largest solar plants

Talayuela solar plant in Extremadura to produce renewable energy for around 150,000 households yearly CO2 emissions will be reduced by more than 171 kt CO2-e/year 400 workers to be employed during the construction phase The project sponsors are Encavis AG and Solarcentury The investment is supported by the Juncker Plan During the UN Climate Change […]

Hydrogen storages important foundation for solar PV expansion in Europe – German govt scenarios -EQ

Singapore to take its climate change fight to next level

It will update its 2015 climate pledge and focus on sustainable energy, says Masagos Singapore has indicated that it will do more to cut down its greenhouse gas emissions. The Republic will update its climate pledge to guide its policies over the longer term, said Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli. Already, […]

Hydrogen subsidies | Australian solar-to-methanol project secures €24m grant — with half coming from Germany -EQ

India asks developed world to fulfil promises on climate finance

Madrid : India Tuesday asked the developed world to fulfil its commitment to provide $1 trillion in public finance and collaborate on technology, which is crucial for developing nations to fight climate change. Disaster should not be a means to make profit, India emphasised in the final week of the United Nations climate talks, COP25, […]

Top climate negotiators urge tougher targets, but outsiders say they aren’t cutting back themselves – EQ

Climate Change: Nine nations agreed to join India led CDRI

International Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) is a corpus aimed at funding technical assistance and research projects on climate change on an ongoing basis over a period of 5 years from 2019. In pursuance to its commitment for international cooperation on fight against Climate Change, India has approved an allocation of Rs 480 crore […]

Role of prosumers in renewable energy adoption in India – EQ

Studies on Impact of Climate Change

India is a Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). India has submitted Initial National Communication (INC) in 2004 and Second National Communication (SNC) in 2012 to the UNFCCC. As part of the National Communications, the Ministry conducted studies on impact of climate change in India which are summarized in the […]

Top climate negotiators urge tougher targets, but outsiders say they aren’t cutting back themselves – EQ

Column: China, India are both the problem and solution for coal, climate change

LAUNCESTON, Australia: One thing becomes absolutely clear when reading the IEA’s latest World Energy Outlook; if the world is to have even the remotest chance of making its climate goals, then China and India are going to have to do something about their coal use. The International Energy Agency’s report said coal is responsible for […]

Hydrogen subsidies | Australian solar-to-methanol project secures €24m grant — with half coming from Germany -EQ

New Zealand passes ‘zero-carbon’ law to combat climate change

In a great move to reduce its greenhouse emissions and combat climate change, the New Zealand parliament passed a ‘zero carbon’ bill that would reduce its carbon emissions to near-zero levels by 2050. This landmark legislation will also help the nation meet the commitments of the Paris Accord on climate change. While the bill was […]

Top climate negotiators urge tougher targets, but outsiders say they aren’t cutting back themselves – EQ

NOK 300 million allocated to invest in renewable energy in poor countries

At a time when the world is facing a climate crisis, most developing countries depend on strong growth in energy production in order to reduce poverty. ncreased access to clean energy will reduce poverty, improve health and mitigate climate change. The Government is, therefore, allocating up to NOK 300 million annually to provide better guarantees […]

Hydrogen storages important foundation for solar PV expansion in Europe – German govt scenarios -EQ

Google is launching an accelerator for climate change startups

Google is looking for ‘social impact’ startups for a new accelerator program. The first cohort will be selected from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa for a six-month program beginning in early 2020 and a second cohort will start later in 2020 as well. Google isn’t promising to invest in these startups but it is […]

Central America’s Solar Revolution and the Rooftop Revolution in the U.S. -EQ

China to ‘dominate recycling and second life battery market worth US$45bn by 2030’

While recycling of lithium and other materials such as cobalt from batteries will greatly increase in the coming years, the potential availability of second life batteries should not be underestimated, according to new research and data. Hans Eric Melin, an expert on the lifecycle management of lithium batteries with UK-headquartered consultancy Circular Energy Storage, previously […]

Battery Energy Storage Systems: A Clean Energy Solution NY Needs -EQ