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BP faces angry shareholders over climate plans – EQ Mag

Some of Britain’s biggest pension funds have warned that they will oppose the renewal of Helge Lund’s mandate at the annual general meeting (AGM) in London Energy giant BP on Thursday faced a shareholder revolt over its decision to slow its energy transition, with activist investors promising to block the re-election of the head of […]

Climate change is wreaking havoc in India. It needs clarity and action now

Climate Plans Remain Insufficient: More Ambitious Action Needed Now – EQ Mag Pro

A new report from UN Climate Change shows countries are bending the curve of global greenhouse gas emissions downward but underlines that these efforts remain insufficient to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. According to the report, the combined climate pledges of 193 Parties under the Paris […]

Climate change is wreaking havoc in India. It needs clarity and action now