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Solar energy developers sentiment low, capacity addition slows down: CRISIL Report

India has set an ambitious target of having 175 GW of renewables including 100 GW of solar energy by 2022. Inconsistent government actions cast a shadow over solar energy developers’ sentiment and slowed down capacity addition momentum, a report by CRISIL Research said Monday. India has set an ambitious target of having 175 GW of […]

India, Germany to deepen cooperation in emerging technologies, digital platforms – EQ

Soon, a green end to power blackouts

At the turn of the last year, Union power minister R K Singh announced that from April 1 2019, India would not face any blackouts, except in a couple of sectors like agriculture where electricity is not required 24×7. The minister made the statement in the context of state distribution companies, or discoms, often resorting […]

India, Germany to deepen cooperation in emerging technologies, digital platforms – EQ