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Budget Expectations 2021- Mr Hartek Singh CMD Hartek Group

The Finance Minister should put into place a comprehensive policy and regulatory framework to encourage firms to invest more in innovation and technology with the larger objective of bringing about a transformation in the power sector. The skewed tariffs of downstream distribution utilities should be rationalised vis-à-vis the cost structure to optimise cross-subsidy and create […]

Group Surya bags Rs 102 Cr solar-hydrogen microgrid project in Ladakh – EQ

Petition: To direct the respondent to make payment of cash equivalent to the unutilized banked energy

  The prayer of the petitioner in this D.R.P. No.67 of 2014 is to direct the respondent to make payment of cash equivalent to the unutilized banked energy without insisting for 51% utilisation of the generated units for captive consumption. For more information please see below link:

Petition of the CERC (Terms and Condition of Tariff) Regulations for determination of tariff for installation of various Emission Control Systems in KTPS Units – EQ