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Hungarian development makes electric vehicle charging seamless in the Czech Republic – EQ Mag

BUDAPEST, Hungary : Grape Solutions and MVM Mobiliti partner with Innogy CZ, a leading Energy & Utility company in the Czech Republic, to enable effortless and convenient electric car charging for Czech motorists. The development was carried out in cross-border cooperation between three companies of the MVM Group. MVM Mobiliti and Grape Solutions have been […]

Maharashtra has highest number of public EV charging stations, followed by Delhi

Norway OKs wealth fund investments in unlisted green energy

Currently 66.3 percent of the fund is invested in shares, 30.7 percent in bonds, and three percent in real estate. Oslo: Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, the world’s biggest at more than $1 trillion, will soon be able to invest in unlisted renewable energy infrastructure projects, such as wind farms and solar parks, the government said […]

Cement Industry Strives for Net-Zero Emissions by 2070 Amid Steady Growth – EQ