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5 Ways China Can Further Decarbonize Overseas Industrial Parks – EQ Mag

On the heels of the COP27 climate summit, tackling climate change is once again an important topic of conversation among international stakeholders. Under bilateral and multilateral climate change cooperation mechanisms, China’s overseas industrial parks (IPs) are poised to play a larger role in outbound direct investment in and international development cooperation with the rest of […]

India’s Renewable Energy Revolution – EQ

U.S National Grid announces plan to decarbonize by 2050 – EQ Mag Pro

Hybrid pathway for achieving net zero future to deliver affordable, reliable fossil-free heat through distribution networks, coupled with energy efficiency, hybrid heating systems, and targeted electrification and geothermal. Gas and electric networks to be fossil-free by 2050, critical milestones along the way WALTHAM, Mass. and BROOKLYN, N.Y. :- Today, National Grid has launched a path […]

Central America’s Solar Revolution and the Rooftop Revolution in the U.S. -EQ

Biden Climate Goals to Take Backseat in Biggest U.S. Power Grid

The power grid serving nearly 20% of the U.S. population is about to throw a roadblock in President Joe Biden’s plan to decarbonize the electricity sector. PJM Interconnection LLC, which keeps the lights on for 65 million people from Chicago to Washington, D.C., is expected to clear a fleet of new natural gas plants– and […]

Central America’s Solar Revolution and the Rooftop Revolution in the U.S. -EQ

Japanese Govt Eyes Energy-Saving Public School Buildings

The government is considering a scheme to decarbonize public elementary and junior high school buildings through improvements in heat insulation and generating solar power as part of efforts to achieve its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, The Yomiuri Shimbun has learned. The government also intends to strengthen the functions […]

Hydrogen subsidies | Australian solar-to-methanol project secures €24m grant — with half coming from Germany -EQ

ORNL: Wireless Charging System Advances Electric Vehicle Convenience

Consumer buy-in is key to the future of a decarbonized transportation sector in which electric vehicles largely replace today’s conventionally fueled cars and trucks. Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists have for several years now steadily advanced a wireless charging technology that can make powering an EV just as easy, or easier, than filling up a […]

Maharashtra has highest number of public EV charging stations, followed by Delhi

The Fastest Route to Commercialize Solar Hydrogen – is through Australian Copper Mines

The fastest route to commercializing solar hydrogen could be by supplying hydrogen, oxygen and heat for Australia’s copper mining industry with solar thermochemistry, Christian Sattler told this reporter for SolarPACES recently. With his experience heading solar fuels research at Germany’s solar research center at DLR, Sattler sees a synergistic connection between the sulfuric acid processing […]

Hydrogen subsidies | Australian solar-to-methanol project secures €24m grant — with half coming from Germany -EQ

ADB’s Clean Agenda: CSOs call against fueling dirty energy and coal investments

This year’s 52nd Asian Development Bank (ADB) Annual Governors’ Meeting is being held in Nadi, Fiji. Similar to its neighboring countries in the Pacific, Fiji is on the brink of suffering from the severe impacts of climate change despite its low global carbon emissions. The location of the Annual Meeting intensifies the compelling clamor from […]

Hydrogen subsidies | Australian solar-to-methanol project secures €24m grant — with half coming from Germany -EQ