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Soaring battery costs fail to cool electric vehicle sales – EQ Mag Pro

Buyers around the world are lining up to purchase electric vehicles (EV) in 2022 even with sticker prices surging, flipping the script on a decade and a half of conventional auto industry wisdom that EV sales would break out only after battery costs dropped below a threshold that was always just over the horizon. This […]

Renewable energy jumps to new high powered by China solar boom – EQ

How detachable batteries can double India’s electric vehicle sales

Electric vehicles for long have been a hot topic of discussion among all stakeholders. However, not much has been achieved on the ground as a lack of charging infrastructure and range anxiety continue to deter people from buying EVs. Now though, detachable batteries can give a big boost to electric two-wheelers in India. Here’s how. […]

EVE Begins Construction on Its Battery Production Plant in Hungary – EQ Mag