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A Blockchain-Enabled Smart Meter for Clean Power Trading?

NV Energy tests digital tech to track kilowatts of clean energy from cradle to grave. Blockchain’s energy sector applications range from the highly speculative — think peer-to-peer energy-trading using cryptocurrency raised in initial coin offerings — to more incremental efforts, grounded in the real-world challenges of operating an increasingly decentralized power grid. The latter describes […]

Sungrow Forges 850 MW Inverter Supply Contract with Hero Future Energies in India – EQ

Optimisation of battery throughput means optimised revenues, Open Energi’s data science lead says

Batteries are now one of a “huge variety of distributed energy assets capable of providing flexible capacity to the network”, but failure to manage them correctly will limit the market opportunities available, as well as the lifetime of the systems themselves, the data science head of UK flexible energy tech company Open Energi has said. […]

Battery Energy Storage Systems: A Clean Energy Solution NY Needs -EQ

Huge battery system to export cheap solar from South Australia approved

Satellite map of proposed project site. Image: EPS Energy / esri South Australia’s Planning Council gave approval just before the end of last month to a 500MW (AC) solar farm project, co-located with 250MW / 1,000MWh of battery energy storage from renewables developer EPS Energy. EPS Energy, based in Australia, has three massive solar-plus-storage projects […]

Battery Energy Storage Systems: A Clean Energy Solution NY Needs -EQ

Centrica: Residential solar-plus-batteries could mean 4.5GW more flexible capacity for the UK

Centrica has made investments in two cutting edge energy tech firms as it targets a more concentrated domestic energy flexibility business. And the firm is backing its investments to help it capitalise on the potential for more than 4.5GW of flexible power capacity in the UK alone and a home energy management industry which it […]

Battery Energy Storage Systems: A Clean Energy Solution NY Needs -EQ