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It’s time for a European cleantech investment plan-EQ

In short – A European cleantech investment plan is crucial at this time to accelerate the transition to a sustainable and low-carbon economy. Such a plan would attract investments in clean technologies, renewable energy projects, and sustainable infrastructure. It would also foster innovation, create jobs, and contribute to Europe’s climate goals. Implementing a comprehensive and […]

Hydrogen storages important foundation for solar PV expansion in Europe – German govt scenarios -EQ

European backsliding on electric vehicles is bad news for the climate – EQ Mag

Attempts to put a brake on the transition to electrification and allow ‘climate neutral’ fuels after 2035 ignore the science — what’s needed is policy clarity now. Worldwide, the planes, trains and automobiles we use to get around pumped around 7.7 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in 2021, one-fifth of all anthropogenic emissions. […]

Climate change is wreaking havoc in India. It needs clarity and action now

The Truth Behind European Big Oil’s Bet On Hydrogen – EQ Mag

European governments are betting increasing amounts of cash on a hydrogen revolution. Report: Of the refining sector’s €39 billion in planned investments in alternative fuels till 2030, nearly 75% will go towards increasing biofuels production. The lion’s share of big oil’s green investments in downstream is focusing on bringing down carbon-intensity of their refinery operations. […]

Nine Years Series: National Hydrogen Mission – EQ Mag

Leading European EV charging firm expands to NZ market – EQ Mag Pro

EO Charging, a European leading electric vehicle (EV) charging provider, is expanding into New Zealand via a deal with local energy supplier YHI Energy. The British based EO Charging inked the deal with YHI Energy to deliver residential and commercial charging products to meet demand for New Zealand’s rapidly growing EV market. This marks EO’s […]

Maharashtra has highest number of public EV charging stations, followed by Delhi

Building a European battery industry – EQ Mag Pro

Europe is aggressively moving to establish a lithium-ion battery (LIB) industry. Despite the chasm separating European companies from the leading industry incumbents, there are strong grounds for European players to establish themselves in the sector. To be successful, however, they must consider five strategic levers – and act now. A global shift away from fossil […]

EVE Begins Construction on Its Battery Production Plant in Hungary – EQ Mag

European Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Masterplan – EQ Mag Pro

The Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Masterplan provides factual analysis on the infrastructure and investments required to reach the EU’s ‘Fit for 55’ CO2 reduction targets. It also creates awareness of the factors that may slow down infrastructure deployment and suggests interventions to accelerate its build-up. In synching electric vehicle charging, grid expansion and renewable energy […]

Maharashtra has highest number of public EV charging stations, followed by Delhi

€330 million Team Europe backing for new Guinea-Mali 225 kV power line to provide clean and affordable energy to millions in West Africa

The signing ceremony of the financing contract took place on Friday 23 April 2021 at the Kaloum Hotel in Conakry, and was attended by members of the Guinean government, as well as representatives of the European Union and the European Investment Bank (EIB). This new EU support for the interconnector project between the hydroelectric power […]

Hydrogen storages important foundation for solar PV expansion in Europe – German govt scenarios -EQ

European Photovoltaics Industry is Booming – Fraunhofer ISE Collaborates in Andalusian 5-Gigawatt Project

Next to wind energy, photovoltaics is the main pillar of the energy transition. While Germany and Europe in general are still leading when it comes to the research and development of solar cells and modules, the last ten years have seen the transfer of production to Asia. As a consequence, Europe risked losing its technological […]

Hydrogen storages important foundation for solar PV expansion in Europe – German govt scenarios -EQ

RWE Renewables’ first European-based battery storage project has entered full operations in Ireland.

The 8.5MWh battery storage facility will be capable of providing a rapid delivery of electricity into the power grid in order to balance fluctuations resulting from the growing proportion of electricity generated by intermittent renewables. The site is located in Stephenstown, Balbriggan, in County Dublin and is the first of two battery storage facilities that […]

EVE Begins Construction on Its Battery Production Plant in Hungary – EQ Mag

Airbus touts sustainable fuel after promoting hydrogen

Chief Executive Officer Guillaume Faury said that he’s confident the European planemaker can bring a hydrogen plane into service by 2035 Airbus SE will buttress its moonshot plan to build a hydrogen aircraft by the middle of the next decade with an effort to power conventional jets with sustainable fuels. Chief Executive Officer Guillaume Faury […]

Nine Years Series: National Hydrogen Mission – EQ Mag