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Petition For Truing up of Annual Fixed Charges For 2014-19 Tariff Period

Petition for truing up of annual fixed charges for 2014-19 tariff period in respect of Tehri Hydroelectric Power Project, Stage-I (1000 MW) THDCIL. For more information please see below link:

Petition of the CERC (Conduct of Business) and (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations of the transmission tariff to switchable line reactors in the Northern Region – EQ

Punjab Govt has directed PSERC to reduce RPO by 1.5% for FY19-20, 2.0% for FY20-21

PSERC issued notice for public views Public Notice inviting Objections/ Comments/ Suggestions of General Public and Stakeholders regarding directions issued by Government of Punjab under section 108 of the Electricity Act, 2003 to the Commission vide letter No. 01/04/2020-EB(PR)/ 185-186 dated 07.04.2020 and the letter has been taken on record as petition No. 12 of […]

Petition of the CERC (Conduct of Business) and (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations of the transmission tariff to switchable line reactors in the Northern Region – EQ