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Rajasthan: Solar Plants, Electric Lines Sounding Death Knell of GIB

The habitat of the endangered species is being threatened by overhead transmission lines and massive arrays of solar panels mindlessly erected across government and private lands. JAISALMER/JAIPUR : In what could be termed an apparent contradiction, the promotion of green energy in the state’s desert areas is coming at a huge environmental cost and sounding […]

Budget 2024 must further India’s clean energy goals. Climate change is an economic problem – EQ

Supreme Court Orders the Laying of High-Voltage Power Lines Underground in Great Indian Bustard Habitats in Gujarat and Rajasthan

There’s good news for the great Indian bustard (GIB). The Supreme Court has directed the governments of Gujarat and Rajasthan to lay high voltage power lines underground in the habitats of the bird to aid in its conservation efforts. The bird, found only in India and certain areas of Pakistan, is classified as “critically endangered” […]

Budget 2024 must further India’s clean energy goals. Climate change is an economic problem – EQ

Power companies must consider underground laying of cables to avoid Great Indian Bustard deaths: Government

Noting that a miniscule population of less than 150 Great Indian Bustards was left in the country, a committee constituted on the directions of the National Green Tribunal, has decided to have a time-bound action plan to implement mitigation measu.. NEW DELHI: To protect the ‘critically’ endangered Great Indian Bustard, the Centre has asked electricity […]

Budget 2024 must further India’s clean energy goals. Climate change is an economic problem – EQ

Great Indian Bustard nearing extinction due to high voltage power lines: Env Ministry

The critically endangered Great Indian Bustard(GIB) is nearing extinction due to collision with high voltage power lines that criss-cross their flying path, according to a report by the Ministry of Environment. The report, which has been prepared by the Wildlife Institute of India(WII), a statutory body under the ministry, said only 150 GIBs are left, […]

Operational Guidelines for Implementation of Component ‘Incentives to Discoms’ under PM-Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana – EQ