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Biden’s green hydrogen plan hits climate obstacle: Water shortage – EQ Mag

The Biden administration’s climate agenda is facing an unexpected challenge in drought-prone Corpus Christi, Texas, where a proposed clean hydrogen hub would require the installation of energy-intensive, expensive and potentially environmentally damaging seawater desalination plants. The Gulf Coast port is in the running for up to $1 billion available under President Joe Biden’s 2021 Infrastructure […]

Climate change is wreaking havoc in India. It needs clarity and action now

India’s green hydrogen plan opens a window of opportunity for R&D and manufacturing – EQ Mag

India’s plan to power its industries with green hydrogen has caught the world’s attention. While it is important to understand the challenges in implementing the ambitious scheme, it is also crucial to ensure the country does not become an “assembly economy” while embracing the eco-friendly fuel.Even as experts are unanimous that this will push the […]

Nine Years Series: National Hydrogen Mission – EQ Mag

Forrest hails Europe’s massive green hydrogen plan, and says it could do more – EQ Mag Pro

The European Commission’s plan for major financial and policy support for a rapid and massive deployment of green hydrogen has been welcomed as a ground-breaking shift for the nascent technology. The EC, as part of its RePowerEU strategy designed to reduce its dependence on Russian fossil fuels, has set a target of producing 10 million […]

Hydrogen storages important foundation for solar PV expansion in Europe – German govt scenarios -EQ