Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement Power from Grid Connected Wind Power Projects For more information please see below link:
To support the efforts of the Governments of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and NCT of Delhi to prevent air pollution caused due to stubble burning and to subsidize machinery required for management of crop residue, a central sector scheme on crop residue management has been implemented since 2018-19. Under this scheme, financial assistance @ 50% […]
In a notice, the Finance department observed that the provisions / guidelines for electric vehicle advance are not being meticulously followed by the Departments while sanctioning the advance in favour of their employees. In a bid to streamline the payment procedure and consequential irregularities, the Odisha government on Friday released guidelines for interest-free advance payment […]
Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement of Round-The -Clock Power from Grid Connected Renewable Energy Power Projects. For more information please see below link:
Guidelines for Registration and Filing Application for Establishing and Operating over the Counter (OTC) Platform for grant of registration to establish and operate the OTC Platform. For more information please see below link:
Guidelines for procurement of power on Finance, Own and Operate (FOO) basis under para B(v) of the SHAKTI Policy. For more information please see below link: