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GERC – Determination of tariff for procurement of surplus power generated from Solar Projects by distribution licensees and other related issues

GERC – Determination of tariff for procurement of surplus power generated from Solar Projects by distribution licensees and other related issues For more information please see below link:

Petition filed in the matter of seeking approval of procurement of 1000 MW Solar Power from Respondents as per guidelines issued by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy – EQ

In the matter of: Petition for determination of tariff for procurement of power by the  distribution company/licensee from Raw Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)  based power generating company in the State of Gujarat using Gasification route (Otto Cycle)

In the matter of: Petition for determination of tariff for procurement of power by the  distribution company/licensee from Raw Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)  based power generating company in the State of Gujarat using Gasification route (Otto Cycle) For more information please see below link:

Petition filed in the matter of seeking approval of procurement of 1000 MW Solar Power from Respondents as per guidelines issued by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy – EQ

In the matter of: Additional Surcharge payable by Open Access consumers for the control period 1st April, 2019 to 30th September, 2019

In the matter of: Additional Surcharge payable by Open Access consumers for the control period 1st April, 2019 to 30th September, 2019 For more information please see below link: http://gercin.org/uploaded/document/53696522-7c94-4ce5-902e-fa06dbb82778.pdf Source: gercin.org

Growing Appeal Of Offshore Bonds Offers Hope For India’s Green Energy Push – EQ