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H1/2022 Module Shipment Ranking Shows Jinko Solar On Top – EQ Mag Pro

InfoLink Consulting’s H1/2022 solar module shipment ranking has JinkoSolar on the top with 18.21 GW Top 10 companies on the list together shipped about 101.7 GW in the reporting period with an annual increase of 45% Large size modules namely M10 and G12 accounted for 80% of the shipments with bulk comprising M10 As top […]

GCCA India and TERI Launch Decarbonisation Roadmap for the Indian Cement Industry: Net Zero CO2 by 2070 – EQ

JinkoSolar Ranked Top: 18.21GW Module Shipments in H1 2022 – EQ Mag Pro

JinkoSolar (688223.SH) disclosed its 2022 semi-annual performance report. The report shows that in the first half of 2022, the company’s performance increased significantly year-on-year, achieving operating revenue of 33.407 billion, up 112.44% year-on-year; achieving net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of 905 million, up 60.14% year-on-year; achieving operating cash flow of 2.23 billion, […]

GCCA India and TERI Launch Decarbonisation Roadmap for the Indian Cement Industry: Net Zero CO2 by 2070 – EQ