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German retailer Netto to invest EUR 100m in solar roofs, heat pumps – EQ Mag Pro

German retail chain Netto will spend about EUR 100 million (USD 110.5m) to put in rooftop photo voltaic photovoltaic (PV) programs and warmth pumps and change fuel heating at its shops and logistic centres within the residence market in a bid to chop reliance on Russian fuel and cut back its carbon footprint. The change […]

Juniper Green Expands Renewable Footprint With Two PPAs In Gujarat & Rajasthan – EQ

Centrica Expands Smart Home Energy Management Offerings, Targets the US Market

The British company looks to help homeowners save on their energy bills with residential storage, electric vehicle chargers, heat pumps and connected appliances. U.K. energy company Centrica has confirmed it intends to bring new home energy management options to the U.S. market after making key investments this month. Sam Salisbury, director of Centrica Innovations Labs, […]

Battery Energy Storage Systems: A Clean Energy Solution NY Needs -EQ