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CARE ratings for Indian debt instruments-Dec 22

Below are the ratings awarded by Credit Analysis and Research Ltd. (CARE) for local debt instruments as of December 21, 2020. COMPANY INSTRUMENT RATING AMOUNT MOVEMENT (RS.MLN) ------- ---------- ------ ------- --------- SHORT TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Associated Toolings India Pvt Ltd ST Bk Fac CARE A4 58 Reaffirmed Balasaheb R Bhadane ST Bk Fac CARE […]

Delhi’s power demand likely to peak at 9K MW this summer: Discom officials – EQ

India Ratings for Indian debt instruments – Nov 27

Below are the ratings awarded by India Ratings and Research Private Ltd (India Ratings), formerly known as Fitch Ratings India for local debt instruments as of November 26, 2020. COMPANY INSTRUMENT RATING AMOUNT MOVEMENT (RS.MLN) ------ ---------- ------ ------ --------- SHORT TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Armstrong Knitting Mills Non-FB facility IND A3 2.5 Assigned Rajmahal Coal […]

Delhi’s power demand likely to peak at 9K MW this summer: Discom officials – EQ

CARE ratings for Indian debt instruments-Nov 19

Below are the ratings awarded by Credit Analysis and Research Ltd. (CARE) for local debt instruments as of November 18, 2020. COMPANY INSTRUMENT RATING AMOUNT MOVEMENT (RS.MLN) ------- ---------- ------ ------- --------- SHORT TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Annapurna Agro Foods ST Bk Fac CARE A4 60 - (Rating moved to ISSUER NOT COOPERATING category) Asahi Songwon […]

Delhi’s power demand likely to peak at 9K MW this summer: Discom officials – EQ

CRISIL ratings for Indian debt instruments-Nov 13

Below are the ratings awarded by Credit Rating Information Service of India (CRISIL) for local debt instruments as of November 12, 2020. COMPANY INSTRUMENT RATING AMOUNT MOVEMENT (RS.MLN) ------ ---------- ------ ----- --------- SHORT TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Anita Periera Overdraft CRISIL A4 20 Reaffirmed Arya Iron and Steel Company Pvt Ltd BG CRISIL A2 50 […]

Delhi’s power demand likely to peak at 9K MW this summer: Discom officials – EQ

CARE ratings for Indian debt instruments-Oct 26

Below are the ratings awarded by Credit Analysis and Research Ltd. (CARE) for local debt instruments as of October 23, 2020. COMPANY INSTRUMENT RATING AMOUNT MOVEMENT (RS.MLN) ------- ---------- ------ ------ --------- SHORT TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Apollo Polyvinyl Pvt Ltd ST Bk Fac CARE D 130 - (Rating continues to remain under ISSUER NOT COOPERATING […]

Delhi’s power demand likely to peak at 9K MW this summer: Discom officials – EQ

ICRA ratings for Indian debt instruments-Oct 8

Below are the ratings awarded by Investment Information Credit Rating Agency Ltd. (ICRA) for local debt instruments as of October 7, 2020. COMPANY INSTRUMENT RATING AMOUNT MOVEMENT (RS.MLN) ------ ---------- ------ ----- --------- SHORT TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Apollo Micro Systems Ltd Non-fund ICRA A3 300 Withdrawn based-Working Capital Fac –LC Asbesco (India) Pvt Ltd Non-FB […]

Germany at the Forefront of Next-Generation Battery Innovation: Berlin-based theion Secures €15 Million Series-A Funding to Revolutionise Battery Technology – EQ

CRISIL ratings for Indian debt instruments-May 19

Below are the ratings awarded by Credit Rating Information Service of India (CRISIL) for local debt instruments as of May 18, 2020. COMPANY INSTRUMENT RATING AMOUNT MOVEMENT (RS.MLN) ------ ---------- ------ ----- --------- SHORT TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd CP CRISIL A1+ 20000 Reaffirmed Atur India Pvt Ltd BG CRISIL A4+ […]

Germany at the Forefront of Next-Generation Battery Innovation: Berlin-based theion Secures €15 Million Series-A Funding to Revolutionise Battery Technology – EQ

India Ratings for Indian debt instruments – Apr 1

  Below are the ratings awarded by India Ratings and Research Private Ltd (India Ratings), formerly known as Fitch Ratings India for local debt instruments as of March 31, 2020. COMPANY INSTRUMENT RATING AMOUNT MOVEMENT (RS.MLN) ------ ---------- ------ ------ --------- SHORT TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Bonai Industrial Co. Ltd FB limits IND A1+ 2000 Affirmed; […]

Germany at the Forefront of Next-Generation Battery Innovation: Berlin-based theion Secures €15 Million Series-A Funding to Revolutionise Battery Technology – EQ

CRISIL ratings for Indian debt instruments-Mar 17

Below are the ratings awarded by Credit Rating Information Service of India (CRISIL) for local debt instruments as of March 16, 2020. COMPANY INSTRUMENT RATING AMOUNT MOVEMENT (RS.MLN) ------ ---------- ------ ----- --------- SHORT TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Alcon Biosciences Pvt Ltd BG CRISIL A4+ 2.5 Reaffirmed Alcon Biosciences Pvt Ltd LOC CRISIL A4+ 20 Reaffirmed […]

Germany at the Forefront of Next-Generation Battery Innovation: Berlin-based theion Secures €15 Million Series-A Funding to Revolutionise Battery Technology – EQ

India Ratings for Indian debt instruments – Mar 17

Below are the ratings awarded by India Ratings and Research Private Ltd (India Ratings), formerly known as Fitch Ratings India for local debt instruments as of March 16, 2020. COMPANY INSTRUMENT RATING AMOUNT MOVEMENT (RS.MLN) ------ ---------- ------ ------ --------- SHORT TERM RATINGS: ------------------- Avi Global Plast Pvt Ltd Non-FB WC limits IND A3+ 180 […]

Germany at the Forefront of Next-Generation Battery Innovation: Berlin-based theion Secures €15 Million Series-A Funding to Revolutionise Battery Technology – EQ