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International Energy Agency To Benefit When India Plays Bigger Role In It”: PM Modi -EQ

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said India is the world’s fastest-growing major economy and the International Energy Agency (IEA) will benefit from the talent, technology and innovation brought to the table by the country. In a recorded message at the Ministerial Meeting of the Paris-headquartered organization, PM Modi said that India exceeded […]

ITC Surpasses 2030 Renewable Energy Goal In 2023-24 – EQ

Record new renewable energy capacity this year and next – IEA

In its annual renewables outlook, the IEA said new additions of renewables capacity worldwide would increase by 4% from last year to a record 198 gigawatts (GW) this year. LONDON: Record levels of new renewable energy capacity are set to come on stream this year and next, while fossil fuel capacity will fall due to […]

Central America’s Solar Revolution and the Rooftop Revolution in the U.S. -EQ

Investment in energy efficiency, renewables and electricity grids can generate 9 million jobs over 3 years: Fatih Birol, Executive Director, IEA

Electricity grids, building renovation and modernisation along with energy efficiency and renewables can create 9 million jobs globally in next 3 years, Birol said. New Delhi: The global investment in energy efficiency, renewables and electricity grids can generate around 9 million jobs over the course of three years, according to Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International […]

ITC Surpasses 2030 Renewable Energy Goal In 2023-24 – EQ

Won’t take long for clean energy investments to rebound: Fatih Birol, IEA

Replying to questions by ETEnergyWorld at the launch of IEA’s latest report, Birol said government policies will be critical for investments to come back on track New Delhi: It will not take too long for the world to come out of the historic 20 per cent fall in global clean energy investments, according to Fatih […]

Rich nations should provide climate finance to developing countries: Bhupender Yadav – EQ

Covid-19 intensifies need to expand sustainable energy solutions

This includes a notable reduction in the number of people worldwide lacking access to electricity, strong uptake of renewable energy for electricity generation, and improvements in energy efficiency New Delhi: Despite accelerated progress over the past decade, the world will fall short of ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy by 2030 […]

ITC Surpasses 2030 Renewable Energy Goal In 2023-24 – EQ

COVID-19: Global energy investments set for a historic $400 bn plunge, says IEA

This would be the largest drop in global energy investment in history, with spending expected to plunge in every major sector from fossil fuels to renewables, and efficiency New Delhi: Global energy investments are set to nosedive by 20 per cent, or about $400 billion, as compared to last year due to the COVID-19 crisis, […]

Rich nations should provide climate finance to developing countries: Bhupender Yadav – EQ

India’s solar PV installations to fall by 23 per cent in 2020: IEA

IEA said that it expects a 6 per cent year-on-year decline in demand in 2020, further worsening discoms with already challenging finances New Delhi: India’s solar photovoltaic (PV) deployment is set to decrease by 23 per cent in 2020 as compared to 2019, with the largest drop anticipated in distributed PV installations, according to a […]

ITC Surpasses 2030 Renewable Energy Goal In 2023-24 – EQ

Around 1,000 GWh of battery manufacturing capacity needed to meet global EV target by 2025

The agency added the world’s capacity to make battery cells has expanded rapidly in recent years and currently manufacturing operations globally can produce around 320 GWh of batteries per year for use in electric cars New Delhi: The world needs battery manufacturing capacity of 1,000 Gigawatt hour (GWh) per year by 2025 to meet the […]

Ather Energy ties up with BPCL to expand charging infrastructure

COVID-19: Post-crisis clean energy progress will need reliable supplies of critical minerals, says IEA

  According to the IEA study, clean energy technologies generally require more minerals than fossil fuel-based counterparts. An onshore wind plant requires eight times as much minerals as a gas-fired plant of the same capacity New Delhi: The global clean energy sector would require a reliable supply of critical minerals to continue a smooth progress after the COVID-19 crisis, […]

Rich nations should provide climate finance to developing countries: Bhupender Yadav – EQ

No apologies: Africans say their need for oil cash outweighs climate concerns

A handful of protesters on the ground floor of the cavernous Cape Town International Convention Centre spread fake oil on the ground and chanted, demanding an end to fossil fuels. Two floors above, the hundreds of delegates at Africa Oil Week were largely unaware – and mostly unmoved – by the display. “Under no circumstances […]

Construction of 5 solar parks underway across Iran -EQ