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ADB to invest USD 50 mn in solar project developer Avaada

Asian Development Bank (ADB) Tuesday said it has inked an agreement to invest USD 50 million in solar energy project developer Avaada Energy Pvt Ltd to help the company scale up rapidly. The investment will come equally from ADB’s Ordinary Capital Resources and Leading Asia’s Private Infrastructure Fund (LEAP). LEAP is a funding arrangement provided […]

EU’s Affordable Energy Plan: Opportunities for India’s Renewable Growth and Global Collaboration – EQ

Kawasaki to install 100 solar powered warehouses worth Rs 300 cr in Bengal

Japanese warehousing major Kawasaki Rikuso Transportation Co Ltd (KRT) on Monday said it would install 100 solar-powered, temperature-controlled warehouses in West Bengal at an estimated cost of Rs 300 crore. The state government on Monday launched a similar commercially-exploitable demonstration warehouse built by KRT here, with a grant from Japan International Cooperation Agency India (JICA). […]

EU’s Affordable Energy Plan: Opportunities for India’s Renewable Growth and Global Collaboration – EQ