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Petition for adoption of transmission charges with respect to the Transmission System being established by Khandukhal Rampura Transmission Limited – EQ Mag

Petition for adoption of transmission charges with respect to the Transmission System being established by Khandukhal Rampura Transmission Limited. For more information please see below link:

Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Framework for Resource Adequacy) Regulations, 2024 – EQ

Transfer of Khandukhal Rampura Transmission Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of PFC Consulting Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Power Finance Corporation Limited) – EQ Mag Pro

Transfer of Khandukhal Rampura Transmission Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of PFC Consulting Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Power Finance Corporation Limited). For more information please see below link:

SOFAR leading the Indian Market as the “Top 5 String Inverter supplier” for FY 2023-24! – EQ