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Petition filed by M/s THDCIL for approval of Power Sale Agreement between M/s THDCIL and KSEBL – EQ Mag Pro

Petition filed by M/s THDCIL for approval of Power Sale Agreement between M/s THDCIL and KSEBL. For more information please see below link:

In the matter with CERC (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for Grant of Transmission Licence and other related matters) Regulations to grant of Transmission Licence to Bikaner B Power Transmission Limited – EQ

250 Community EV Charging Stations By Year-End in Kerala

Four engineering graduates develop control and ecosystem software to meet this end. Electric battery-operated vehicles have not taken off as anticipated by the government though Kerala has hopped onto the electric vehicle (EV) bandwagon to embrace environment-friendly mobility. The need to frequently charge battery and lack of adequate charging facilities on the go have made […]

Maharashtra has highest number of public EV charging stations, followed by Delhi

Approval of Allowing 15% of Price Preference and 50% Purchase Preference for MSME’s in KSEBL Tender

Approval of allowing 15% of price preference and 50% purchase preference for MSME’s in KSEBL tender for empanelling contractors for implementing Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV Plants of various capacities aggregating to 200 MWp under Soura Subsidy Scheme In Domestic Sector, Kerala.    For more information please see below link:

In the matter with CERC (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for Grant of Transmission Licence and other related matters) Regulations to grant of Transmission Licence to Bikaner B Power Transmission Limited – EQ

Approval of allowing 15% of price preference and 50% purchase preference for MSME’s in KSEBL In Domestic Sector, Kerala.

Approval of allowing 15% of price preference and 50% purchase preference for MSME’s in KSEBL tender for empanelling contractors for implementing Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV Plants of various capacities aggregating to 200 MWp under Soura Subsidy Scheme In Domestic Sector, Kerala. For more information please see below link.

In the matter with CERC (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for Grant of Transmission Licence and other related matters) Regulations to grant of Transmission Licence to Bikaner B Power Transmission Limited – EQ

Permit KSEBL to float the tenders for procurement of short term power 

Permit KSEBL to float the tenders for procurement of short term power (100 MW RTC & 100 MW for 14.00 to 24.00 hours) through the DEEP portal, to meet the maximum demand of power for the months of April & May, 2021, subject to compliance of the provisions of the Act and the relevant Regulations. […]

In the matter with CERC (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for Grant of Transmission Licence and other related matters) Regulations to grant of Transmission Licence to Bikaner B Power Transmission Limited – EQ

In the Matter of: Petitioner’s newly installed 2 MW solar power plant at Kalamassery is a separate unit and do not interfere with the existing 1 MW plant

  Petition filed by HINDALCO on “clarifications filed under Section 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003 that the Petitioner’s newly installed 2 MW solar power plant at Kalamassery is a separate unit and do not interfere with the existing 1 MW plant For more information please see below link:

In the matter with CERC (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for Grant of Transmission Licence and other related matters) Regulations to grant of Transmission Licence to Bikaner B Power Transmission Limited – EQ

Tata Power bags LoA for solar project from KSEBL

The integrated power company has received a Letter of Award (LoA) from Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEBL) on 6 January 2021 to develop a 110 MW solar project. Tata Power said that the energy will be supplied to Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEBL) under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) valid for a period of 25 […]

AI’s Energy Hunger Meets Renewables: How AI Training Centers Are Driving Demand for Green Power – EQ

In the matter of : Petition for grant of ‘in principle’ approval in accordance with the provisions under Regulation 56 of the KSERC

In the matter of : Petition for grant of ‘in principle’ approval in accordance with the provisions under Regulation 56 of the KSERC (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2014, for the long term transmission plan, Transgrid 2.0, proposed to be executed in two phases during the period 2016- 21 For more information please see […]

In the matter with CERC (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for Grant of Transmission Licence and other related matters) Regulations to grant of Transmission Licence to Bikaner B Power Transmission Limited – EQ

Procurement of 200 MW Solar power on long term basis from Ground Mounted Grid connected Solar PV Power projects

  Procurement of 200 MW Solar Power from ground mounted grid connected solar PV power plants on long term basis (25 years) through Tariff Based competitive bidding process for meeting its RPO requirement For more information please see below link: CORRIGENDUM No. 1-Procurement of 200 MW Solar power on long term basis from Ground Mounted […]

UPNEDA issue Tender for Selection of Solar Power Developer for Setting Up of 05 MW Grid Connected Solar PVPP – EQ