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Lithium Australia meets commercialisation goals across subsidiaries for 2020

The demand for renewable energy and energy-storage capabilities continues to grow the company has set and met goals for commercialising its subsidiaries Envirostream Australia, Soluna Australia and VSPC. Lithium Australia NL (ASX:LIT) non-executive chairman George Bauk said that, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, 2019-2020 had been a year of achievement for the company. He said: “Once […]

Hydrogen subsidies | Australian solar-to-methanol project secures €24m grant — with half coming from Germany -EQ


Materials technology business Lithium Australia (ASX: LIT) has successfully generated a high purity lithium phosphate from waste materials using its SiLeach process. Previously Lithium Australia has successfully produced LFP batteries from unrefined, SiLeach generated lithium phosphate. Now in association with ANSTO, the company has announced a simple means of removing impurities resulting in a product […]

Breaking News : NTPC 1200 MW Hybrid (T-III) eRA – EQ

Lithium Australia teams up with Chinese battery producer to sell lithium-ion batteries into Australia

As it rapidly advances its proprietary technology, Lithium Australia (ASX: LIT) has now teamed up with Chinese battery producer DLG Battery Co Ltd to establish a joint venture business that will supply and sell lithium-ion batteries, packs and modules throughout Australia. The duo has inked a letter of intent with the equally owned joint venture […]

Breaking News : NTPC 1200 MW Hybrid (T-III) eRA – EQ