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LONGi Interview: Mr. Kay, assistant director of LONGi sales in the Middle East and the agent of LONGi in Lebanon – EQ Mag Pro

Solarabic – Lebanon : Solarabic hosted a dialogue session with «Longi» and their agents in Lebanon « AGS International» company, The session was led by Eng. Moneef Barakat with Mr. Kai, Director of Sales for «Longi» in the Middle East and Mr. Abdeljalil Shehada, founder of « AGS International» company the agent of Longi in […]

Pre-bid meeting link: Tender for Design, Engineering, Procurement & Supply, Construction & Erection, Testing, Commissioning and Comprehensive Operation & Maintenance (O&M) for 10 (ten) years of SCCL’s 10 MW FSPV project at STPP, Telangana, India – EQ