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BASIC Ministerial Joint Statement at UNFCCC COP25

  Following is the BASIC Ministerial Joint Statement at the 25th session of Conference of Parties under the UN framework convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC COP25), in Madrid, Spain. The Ministers of the Brazil, South Africa, India and China group (BASIC) met during the 25th Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on […]

Servotech Renewable bags order of Solar Rooftop from North Eastern Railway – EQ

Spanish climate plan mandates 6GW-by-2030 boost for energy storage

Upcoming snap elections in Spain will decide whether newly-proposed measures including a nation-wide 6GW boost to energy storage become a reality. Draft climate change legislation green-lighted by Spanish ministers last Friday mandates a 3.5GW increase in pumped storage capacity by 2030. This, according to the legislative package tabled by Pedro Sánchez’s socialist government, would be […]

Battery Energy Storage Systems: A Clean Energy Solution NY Needs -EQ