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Seeking Declaration for Imposition of Safeguard Duty for the Period of 30 July 2020 to 29 July 2021

Order dated 17/05/21 for Petition Number 1666 of 2021 – Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited vs UPPCL – Seeking declaration for the imposition of safeguard duty for the period of 30.07.2020 to 29.07.2021 on the import of solar cells vide Notification No. 02/2020 Customs SG dated 29.07.2020 of the MoF as an event of Çhange […]

Petition with CERC (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for Grant of Transmission License and other related matters) Regulationse to NERGS-I Power Transmission Limited – EQ

Asclepius Meditec’s Hydrogen Oxygen Generator with Nebulizer is Expected to Alleviate the Oxygen Shortage Crisis during COVID-19 Pandemic

SHANGHAI : In June, 2020, an academic paper on patients with COVID-19 inhaling hydrogen oxygen mixed gas produced by Asclepius Meditec’s Hydrogen Oxygen Generator with Nebulizer was published in the Journal of Thoracic Disease. The multicenter, and open-label clinical trial has also noted that hydrogen oxygen mixed gas inhalation can improves disease severity and dyspnea […]

Nine Years Series: National Hydrogen Mission – EQ Mag

Promising New Material Can Store Solar Energy For At Least Four Months: Study

Energy storage is equally important as energy generation and the same can be seen in the everyday-life batteries that we use. The more energy they can store, the more efficient they are considered for use. The same applies to any harnessing energy from any source, including our Sun. In a breakthrough discovery, researchers at Lancaster […]

Battery Energy Storage Systems: A Clean Energy Solution NY Needs -EQ