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Queensland’s publicly-owned low emissions energy gentailer has appointed its new CEO – EQ Mag Pro

CleanCo Chair Jacqui Walters has welcomed the appointment of Tom Metcalfe who will take up the CEO role on 11 July 2022. “Tom brings 30+ years’ global experience in the energy industry, most recently as President, We Energies and Wisconsin Public Service, between them owning and operating almost 8000MW of generation and serving 3 million […]

Hydrogen subsidies | Australian solar-to-methanol project secures €24m grant — with half coming from Germany -EQ

Vikram Solar Appoints Mr. Ivan Saha as New CEO – EQ Mag Pro

Vikram Solar, one of India’s leading module manufacturers and comprehensive EPC solar solutions provider, has announced the appointment of Mr. Ivan Saha as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company. Mr. Saha’s appointment is aligned to the company’s strategic expansion plans and sustainable business development. Mr Ivan Saha holds a Bachelor’s degree in […]

The smarter E India 2025: Record breaking edition at Gujarat, the new energy capital of India – EQ

IEEFA: New CEO for IEEFA Australia – EQ Mag Pro

In the next decade, Australia has the opportunity to lead the world in demonstrating how to power its economy with renewables India has huge renewable energy potential that can be deployed to meet its rising energy demand The International Energy Agency has shown that there can be no more new oil and gas developments if […]

The smarter E India 2025: Record breaking edition at Gujarat, the new energy capital of India – EQ